The NYK Group has managed to complete its Sail On Safety winter safety campaign, which it ran from December 1st, 2014, throughout January 31st, 2015.

NYK’s campaign served as a part of its proactive measures aimed at preventing various accidents that tend to occur more often than not due to turbulent sea conditions which are more common during winter time. This year kicked off a new theme — "Think, Act, and Be Safe" — which focused on reminding people of the importance of carefully thinking before taking any action in order to safely carry out an operation.

During the course of this year’s campaign, 368 NYK Group members, including NYK executives, arranged visits to 233 vessels in order to exchange opinions regarding the prevention of accidents that occur due to turbulent sea conditions resulting in collisions and injuries; putting more effort into the development of proper environmental regulations; and the condition and situation of each vessel.

"We were again able to realize the importance of a smooth communication process, as well as that of a mutual understanding between onboard crew and offshore staff, both of which are required for achieving the necessary safety when it comes to the various ship operations," says the company in its press release. 

2015 marked the campaign’s 11th year. As of this year 3,468 NYK Group members have now made 2,175 visits in total, to vessels, since back in 2004, to voice and exchange their respective opinions and promote safety awareness. NYK has continued using this winter campaign, as well as its summer Remember Naka-no-Se campaign to emphasize and focus on the matters of safe ship operating and various environmental activities, as well as on the achieving of a better and proper cooperation process between onboard crew and offshore staff.

The NYK Group plans on continuing and further developing its safety activities in order to make sure that “safety” is a top priority within the industry.