The construction programme supporting the expansion of Aberdeen Harbour into Nigg Bay has passed a significant milestone in the commencement of dredging operations.

Aberdeen Harbour's expansion project sees dredging phase commence

The construction project, which commenced in May this year with the development of a north breakwater access road, and the start of work on the north breakwater itself, has progressed well, and the commencement of dredging operations at this time is a major step forward for the project.

The first dredging vessel to arrive is Van Oord's, Costa Verde, which has commenced work in the bay. Built in 1998, the Spanish-registered vessel is a Trailer Suction Hopper Dredger. The vessel is almost 90 metres in length and has a hopper volume capacity of 2,400 cubic metres. The vessel is scheduled to remove approximately 200,000 cubic metres of material prior to the arrival of a backhoe dredger later in the construction schedule, which will address the denser seabed material.

The dredging operation is designed to increase the water depth within the bay ahead of the construction of quays over the next three years, and the subsequent development of world-class deep-water berthage.

The dredging phase of the project is scheduled to be completed in September 2018 and the construction is due to be completed in 2020.

Source: Aberdeen Harbour