DHT Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: DHT) announces time charters for six of its VLCCs.

DHT Holdings, Inc. announces time charters for six of its VLCCs
Caption: Crude Oil Tanker DHT Edelweiss - Image courtesy of mgklingsick

DHT has entered into time charter contracts for six of its VLCCs.  All six ships have contracts with firm periods of 12 months at an average fixed daily hire of $67,300 per day with prompt delivery.

Vessel Year built Fixed period Optional period
DHT Lake 2004 12 months 6 months
DHT Raven 2004 12 months 6 months
DHT Scandinavia 2006 12 months 3 months
DHT Bauhinia 2007 12 months 6 months
DHT Edelweiss 2008 12 months 6 months
DHT Lion 2016 12 months No option

DHT is an independent crude oil tanker company. DHT fleet trades internationally and consists of crude oil tankers in the VLCC segment. The Company operates through its integrated management companies in Monaco, Singapore and Oslo, Norway. 

Source: DHT