The Unified Command consisting of the Coast Guard, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Newark Fire Department, and Gallagher Marine Systems is continuing its response to the fire aboard the vessel at Port Newark.

USCG response to vessel fire at Port Newark continues

The Unified Command, response personnel and assisting agencies continue to ensure the safety of the public and first responders, conduct fire suppression, protect the environment, and minimize any economic and operational activities in the port area.

As of Friday evening, marine fire fighting specialists were actively conducting fire suppression. Fire fighting efforts are being supported by fire agencies through the Port of New York and New Jersey region, both pierside and on the water. The fire is still contained to the upper decks of the vessel.

The vessel continues to list to the starboard side due to water build up from firefighting activities, but remains stable. Salvage teams are working to remove water from the vessel and counter the list resulting from the fire fighting activities.

Air monitoring continues to be a top priority and the Unified Command has deployed three air monitoring devices, proximate to the ship, to monitor air quality at the incident site. There are additional air monitoring devices setup on the west side of Corbin Street to measure air quality over one mile away from the vessel. Additional air monitoring equipment and staff are scheduled to be deployed to the west side of Newark Airport, Saturday, to ensure a greater range of air quality testing.

At this time, there are no reports of waterway pollution. Response personnel are testing water samples as fire fighting efforts continue.

A security zone is being enforced by the Coast Guard within the Port Newark channel. The Port of New York and New Jersey remains open with limited restrictions. The Port Newark Channel from Berth 18 inward is closed.

A formal investigation will be conducted to identify what caused the fire and subsequent fatalities and all parties at the federal, state, and local levels as well as the owners are working closely together during this process.