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Tagged in Seaspan Energy

Seaspan launches second LNG bunkering vessel to deliver low-carbon energy solutions to the West Coast

This week, Seaspan Energy launched the second of its three 7600m3 LNG bunkering vessels, the Seaspan Lions, named after the twin peaks of the North Shore, or known as Ch’ich’iyúy Elxwíkn (“Twin Sisters” or “Two Sisters”) to the Squamish Nation. …
Apr 16, 2024 / Vessels

Seaspan Launches First of Three LNG Bunkering Vessels to Deliver Low-Carbon Energy Solutions to the Maritime Industry

Seaspan Energy is celebrating the new year with the launch of its first of three 7600m3 LNG bunkering vessels, the Seaspan Garibaldi, named after Mount Garibaldi, or “Nch’ḵay̓” as the Squamish Nation has known it for thousands of years. This series …
Jan 10, 2024 / Vessels