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Tagged in VLSFO

New low-sulphur bunker oil popular in Rotterdam

The new low-sulphur bunker oil VLSFO (Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil with a maximum 0.5% sulphur) has become extremely popular in Rotterdam, Europe’s largest bunker port. Half of all November bunker sales were for VLSFO. This became apparent from the …
Dec 10, 2019 / Vessels

Monjasa performs first VLSFO supply in Colombia

Colombia is officially on the map as new South American supply location of Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oil (VLSFO) as Monjasa completed the first supply on 1 October 2019. The operation was completed at Cartagena anchorage and included the transfer of a …
Oct 9, 2019 / Curious

Monjasa Acquires full ownership of Five Tankers ahead of IMO2020

Monjasa secures five tankers with a total 37,500 deadweight and thereby extends ownership of the supply chain across core markets in the Arabian Gulf, West Africa and the Panama Canal at a critical point of time in bunkering and shipping.Shipowners …
Sep 5, 2019 / Vessels