East London, South Africa (ZAELS)

Port time:Sep 1, 06:14

Expected ships: 3
Ships in port: 6

Weather forecast


Expected ships in East London

ETA by AIS Schiff Dist./Time to go Last port Erbaut GT DWT Größe (m)
Sep 5, 03:30 Available to Satellite users Available to Satellite users 2007 58685 18865 200 x 32
Sep 10, 04:00 Available to Satellite users Available to Satellite users 2008 60876 22699 200 x 32
Sep 15, 10:00 Available to Satellite users Available to Satellite users - - - 32 x 12

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.

Recent ship arrivals in East London

Arrival (LT) Schiff Last port Erbaut GT DWT Größe (m)
Aug 30, 12:22 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 30, 10:53 Available to Satellite users 2009 27152 46070 183 x 32
Aug 30, 07:13 Available to Satellite users 2010 47659 25682 211 x 32
Aug 29, 09:00 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 29, 08:13 Available to Satellite users 2008 24112 38402 183 x 27
Aug 27, 06:57 Available to Satellite users 2013 10421 5488 135 x 20
Aug 26, 07:56 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 26, 07:46 Available to Satellite users 2018 29463 49703 183 x 32
Aug 25, 15:18 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 25, 14:56 Available to Satellite users 2006 9948 13729 148 x 23
Aug 25, 12:54 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 25, 12:47 Available to Satellite users 2005 61482 21965 199 x 32
Aug 20, 18:38 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 20, 10:54 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 20, 10:51 Available to Satellite users 2016 35851 63156 199 x 32
Aug 20, 09:18 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 20, 09:15 Available to Satellite users 2023 28630 49999 183 x 32
Aug 20, 07:00 Available to Satellite users 2012 58465 20895 199 x 32
Aug 18, 17:46 Available to Satellite users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 18, 17:37 Available to Satellite users 2008 24112 38402 183 x 27

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.

Recent ship departures from East London

Departure (LT) Schiff Current destination Erbaut GT DWT Größe (m)
Aug 30, 14:33 Available to Premium users 2010 47659 25682 211 x 32
Aug 30, 10:24 Available to Premium users 2008 24112 38402 183 x 27
Aug 30, 06:16 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 29, 18:06 Available to Premium users 2006 9948 13729 148 x 23
Aug 29, 07:19 Available to Premium users 2018 29463 49703 183 x 32
Aug 28, 06:43 Available to Premium users 2013 10421 5488 135 x 20
Aug 26, 07:00 Available to Premium users 2005 61482 21965 199 x 32
Aug 26, 07:00 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 25, 14:22 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 25, 11:50 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 25, 11:08 Available to Premium users 2016 35851 63156 199 x 32
Aug 22, 07:01 Available to Premium users 2023 28630 49999 183 x 32
Aug 20, 18:22 Available to Premium users 2012 58465 20895 199 x 32
Aug 20, 18:11 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 20, 10:21 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 20, 08:25 Available to Premium users 2008 24112 38402 183 x 27
Aug 20, 06:30 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 18, 17:09 Available to Premium users 2016 29765 49999 183 x 32
Aug 18, 16:56 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6
Aug 17, 11:21 Available to Premium users - - - 19 x 6

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.

Schiffe in Häfen

Letzter Bericht Schiff Erbaut GT DWT Größe (m)
Sep 1, 04:01 2009 27152 46070 183 x 32
Sep 1, 04:03 2014 1792 1559 58 x 15
Sep 1, 04:05 2024 297 - 30 x 10
Sep 1, 04:01 2024 297 - 30 x 10
Sep 1, 02:43 - - - 19 x 6
Sep 1, 02:43 - - - 25 x 11

The number of results is limited to 20. More results are available to Premium and Satellite users.