Latvian Shipping Company (LSC) Shipmanagement has a fast-growing handysize and medium range tanker fleet, currently numbering 26 vessels. The increasing number of ships has brought a heightened focus on optimizing fleet management and operations, and LSC has turned to DNV GL for the answer.

LSC Shipmanagement rolls out DNV GL's maritime software portfolio
Caption: MT Leopard Moon - Image courtesy of DNV GL

Optimizing fleet management

The roll-out involves the implementation of DNV GL’s solutions for fleet performance management, port clearance, and ship management activities such as technical management, procurement, QHSE and crewing, throughout the entire fleet.

“One of the key factors in this decision was DNV GL’s professional project approach for implementation and delivery of the software solutions,” says Mikkjal Poulsen, Managing Director at LSC Shipmanagement. “Now we have one software supplier and a trusted partner.”

“Latvian Shipping Company is one of the leading shipmanagement organizations in the Baltics, and we are pleased to welcome them as a new customer,” says Ketil Aamnes, Regional Manager, Europe, Middle East and Africa, DNV GL – Digital Solutions. “Worldwide, we now have more than 6,000 vessels using our ShipManager and Navigator solutions. The trend in shipping is towards steadily increased focus on digitalization, where data mining and analytics improve performance and optimize operations.”

According to Sebastian Eggert, Principal Specialist, Ship Management & Operation, DNV GL - Digital Solutions, expertise in data migration and project management is essential for a successful implementation of an integrated fleet management solution. “LSC Shipmanagement will be able to take advantage of a complete solution, improving efficiency in a competitive market, with immediate access to centralized data and operational insight,” he says.

About LSC Shipmanagement

LSC Shipmanagement SIA is a fully owned subsidiary of the JSC Latvian Shipping Company. It carries out the duties of full technical management and ensures efficient and safe running of its vessels, offers consultations for the development of shipbuilding projects and assessment of the technical condition of vessels, as well as offering crew management services for oil and chemical tankers.

About ShipManager

DNV GL’s fleet management system supports management of vessels and fleets in all technical, operational and compliance aspects.

Source: DNV GL