Statoil is today awarding, on behalf of the Njord license, a contract to Aibel for upgrading of the Njord Bravo floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessel in the Norwegian Sea. The contract value is around NOK 1.3 billion.
“We are pleased to award Aibel this contract today. After several good deliveries, Aibel has proven that the company has both the expertise and ability to handle this type of complex projects,” says head of project development in Statoil, Torger Rød.
The storage vessel will be prepared for extended operation of the Njord and Hyme fields, as well as tie-in of two new field developments in the Norwegian Sea, Bauge and Fenja.
The job involves extensive upgrading and maintenance of the vessel, in addition to installation of equipment on board for reducing emissions to air (VOC facility).
Securing jobs in Haugesund
Aibel will start the work immediately, and the storage vessel is expected to arrive at the Haugesund yard early in July 2018. At peak, the project will engage around 600 people.
The contract provides the necessary basis for safe and efficient project execution.
“We are looking forward to the cooperation with Aibel,” says head of procurements in Statoil, Pål Eitrheim. Njord Bravo is scheduled to be completed at the turn of the year 2019/2020.
The Njord field came on stream in 1997, and both the platform and the storage vessel are now being upgraded for additional 20 years of operation.
In 2016, the platform and the storage vessel were towed to shore, to Stord and Haugesund respectively.
“It has been important for us to make good use of the time ashore in Kristiansund, so extensive work has been carried out while the vessel has been at the yard,” says Rød.
The jobs include disassembly and overhaul of equipment, leading to contract awards worth around NOK 80 million to suppliers in the Kristiansund region.
Platform at Kværner’s yard on Stord
In March 2017, Kværner’s yard on Stord was awarded the contract for upgrading the Njord A platform, involving around 3000 man-years. The work is progressing as planned, currently involving topside modifications and reinforcement of the top section of the hull.
The field is scheduled to start production in the autumn of 2020.
The contract will be signed at Aibel’s offices in Haugesund on Thursday 19 April 2018.
Source: Statoil