If you’re new to this growing and lucrative career, this article will give you the best tips to take into account when deciding to become a truck driver. This article is also for those who are experienced truck drivers – it never hurts to learn some new things.
Winter is not a good idea
It’s challenging to drive in winter, and if you’re driving in areas with lots of snow and ice, the situation can even become a dangerous one.
Do some math and finish your training in any season other than winter. If you’re doing this, the first truck driving job won’t include snow and ice, slippery conditions, frozen breaks and freezing temperatures. It’s a good idea to start in spring or summer – you’ll get the experience needed to embrace the winter with no worries.
But maybe winter is a good idea
If you ask them, so many people will tell you to start in winter, because it will help you in learning to drive in the worst conditions ever. Your trainer is essential – he will give you some driving tricks in winter, and without him, you wouldn’t really be where you are now.
So many people will tell you that they’d rather done the training in winter, so maybe is not such a bad idea.
Your truck should be clean
Your truck basically shows who you are, inside and outside, too. Wash it whenever you can on the outside, it also leaves a good impression. You should not forget about the inside, either, as it will become your home and office for at least two weeks a load.
Eat healthy food
Truck shops and restaurants are your worst enemy. This is where “fat and broke” comes in. They cost a lot of money and it’s not healthy to eat from them regularly.
If you don’t own a power inventor, you’ll need outlets with 12 volts, cigarette lighter outlets. You can save lots of money if you make your own food and store it in 12-volt coolers. You can also get some drinks there and keep them together with the food for as long as you want. Keep in mind that it’s not a freezer – it’s not able to get temperatures that low.
If you have an inventor, your life will be even more comfortable. Keep in mind that you should not exceed the maximum wattage of your inverter. Don’t worry, many trucking companies offer trucks that already have inventers.
Don’t hurry if you’re encountering rain, ice or snow
Safety should be your number one priority, so don’t speed up if you don’t want to. Also, don’t let other people make you do that if you’re not sure you can handle it. Driving slow is always a good option, especially if we’re talking about roads covered in ice.