MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company informed on Saturday (Jan 05) that the Company reassures authorities and members of the public in the Netherlands and Germany that the company will pay the full costs of the clean-up of the 2 January MSC Zoe container spill.

"MSC is committed to continue searching the sea for the containers which fell overboard, until the last one is found. MSC will also ensure that the beaches of the Dutch and German coastlines are surveyed until all debris related to this incident has been cleared."
MSC confirms the appointment of Ardent Global to coordinate the search at sea in both countries, in full collaboration with relevant authorities.
Ardent is well known across the world for its expertise in marine salvage and emergency response and, together with MSC, will strive to minimize the impact on the environment and safety of navigation from this accident.
Other specialist response companies already appointed by MSC continue to work with authorities and members of the public on beach cleaning, as previously communicated.
Related news: MSC Zoe begins clean-ops in the North Sea
Source: MSC