Safe Bulkers, Inc. (NYSE: SB), an international provider of marine drybulk transportation services, announced today that the Company has entered into a Service Agreement with Alfa Laval to minimize down time, enhance regulatory compliance and safeguard scrubber performance over the life-time of the vessel. 

Safe Bulkers Enters into a Scrubber Service Agreement with Alfa Laval

The Agreement provides for a flat yearly fee, lifecycle-oriented services from the Alfa Laval PureSOx 360° Service Portfolio, including remote monitoring of scrubber performance through connectivity module, service kits, minimum inventory of genuine Alfa Laval spares parts on board and ashore for remote trouble-shooting and sensor calibration by exchange. In addition, the Agreement provides for training of Company’s crew members and superintendents at the Alfa Laval PureSox training center in Shaghai, China.

As of today, 15 Alfa Laval PureSOx Scrubbers have been installed at COSCO retrofit shipyards with engineering design of Alfa Marine Consulting P.C., and five more are scheduled to be installed within the first quarter of 2020 after the resumption of shipyard operations following the Chinese New Year, concluding the Company’s scrubber retrofit program.

The remaining 21 vessels of Company’s fleet are operated using compliant fuels, having timely completed tank cleaning and all other related actions for such transition according to their respective Ship Implementation Plan in accordance with IMO provisions.

Source: Safe Bulkers