Based on its experience from more than 40 FSO and FPSO projects, ICE has released a new FPSO Hull design with emphasis on sustainability and flexibility.
Measuring 330 by 62 metres, the G-2400-SM Hull has a storage capacity of 2.4 million barrels of oil. It can carry a range of topside configurations of up to 40,000 tonnes.
The main features of the G-2400-SM FPSO Hull are:
- Well-balanced hydrodynamic and motion characteristics for deep-water fields in harsh metocean conditions,
- Symmetrical hull form, allowing either end to be positioned towards the prevailing weather,
- Robust, simple to build double hull including double bottom,
- Spacious deck area thanks to a fully rectangular main deck,
- Spread mooring, with options for turret mooring.
The new design is focused on low emission and high energy efficiency through integration of systems such as: HC gas blanketing, VOC recovery, waste heat recovery, fuel management, HVAC energy recovery, etc.
Source: ICE