It is to be deployed for operation on Vladivostok-Magadan line, on the NSR and in cargo deliveries to Chukotka
Sakhalin Shipping Company OJSC says its fleet has been expanded with a new ship, SASCO ALDAN. According to the company’s statement, the ship left for her first voyage on 7 April 2021, from the Korean port Pusan to China and then Vladivostok.
The shipping company is set to deploy the ship at its regular lane between Vladivostok and Magadan. Besides, in summer navigation period it will operate on the Northern Sea Route and deliver cargoes of vital importance to Chukotka under Northern Delivery programme.
The ship built in 2007 at the shipyard of CSC Group was named Lea Auerbach. When the ship joined the fleet of SASCO it was classified according to the requirements of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and named SASCO ALDAN.
The ship’s deadweight exceeds 12,000 tonnes, its length is 138.1 m, width – 21 m, depth – 11 m. The ship is equipped with two cranes, each of 120 tonnes in capacity. The crew of 12 members is headed by an experienced master, Vladimir Mylnikov.
OAO Sakhalin Shipping Company (SASCO) is one of the largest shipping companies in Russia. SASCO’s own fleet comprising mostly ice-class vessels transports a wide range of cargoes: containers, general cargoes, equipment, suction and grab bulk cargo, timber and wood products. The company provides year-round transportation from the ports of De-Kastri, Vanino and Sovetskaya Gavan.