The Vado Gateway’s new Container Terminal, located in Vado Ligure, North West Italy, received the maiden call of the new weekly EMA (East Mediterranean America) service last weekend. The MV Seaspan Chiba was the first of the EMA service's four container ships of approximately 4,500 TEUs to call the terminal. The service is managed by COSCO Shipping Lines, ONE (Ocean Network Express) and OOCL (Orient Overseas Container Line).

Maiden call of EMA service at Vado Ligure connecting Eastern Med with US East coast

The ship, arrived at Vado Gateway, one of the most technologically advanced container terminals in the Mediterranean, after the calls in Turkey and Piraeus (Greece) and will continue its onward journey towards the ports of ports of New York, Norfolk and Savannah on the American Atlantic coast.

"The arrival of the EMA service is a further fundamental step in the growth path of Vado Gateway and proof its strategic role in the Mediterranean port geography," said Paolo Cornetto - CEO of Vado Gateway.

“The US market is a strategic market for our country and having a direct connection from Vado Ligure is of great importance for our development plans,” continued. “We are grateful to COSCO Shipping Lines, ONE and OOCL for the trust they have placed in us.”

Through APM Terminals’ TERMPoint Appointments booking system, trucking companies will be able to access the terminal using a designated time slot, for the quick and efficient pick-up and drop-off of containers. TERMPoint is also available via an App that can be downloaded for free for Android and IOS devices.

The port rotation for EMA is:

Iskenderun (Turkey) – Aliaga (Turkey) – Istanbul (Turkey) – Piraeus (Greece) – Vado Lagure (Italy) –  La Spezia  (Italy) – (Algeciras (Spain) – New York (USA) – Norfolk (USA) – Savannah (USA) – Algeciras (Spain) – Iskenderun (Turkey)

The new EMA service complements existing services calling the Vado Gateway Container Terminal with weekly calls, including ME2, (Mediterranean - Middle East and India), VAX (Vado Ligure - port of Piraeus) and L75 (Mediterranean France - Spain - Morocco).