Wan Hai Lines Ltd. held an appreciation ceremony for the delivery of WAN HAI 296 and the completion of 2,038 TEU series containerships Thursday (July 28). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a physical ceremony was replaced by an online one.

Wan Hai Lines Completes Delivery of All 12 x 2,038 TEU Series Containerships

WAN HAI 296 is the last vessel in a series of 2,038 TEU containerships built by China Shipbuilding Trading Co., LTD., and Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard Co., LTD. With the blessings and witnesses of the guests from China Classification Society, CR Classification Society, Det Norske Veritas, American Bureau of Shipping, China Shipbuilding Trading Co., LTD., CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co., LTD., the ceremony ended successfully.

The 2,038 TEU series is designed with LOA 175m, deadweight capacity of 23,802 mt on 10.5 m draft and a maximum cruising speed of 20.66 nautical miles. The design of 2,038 TEU series takes energy efficiency and environmentally-friendly aspect into account. Moreover, all the ships delivered are certified with “Smart Ship” notations by international well-known classification societies. The newbuildings are part of Wan Hai Lines efforts to ensure their continuous pursuit of fleet upgrade in order to provide high quality service to customers.

WAN HAI 296 was delivered on July 28th at Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard. After delivery, she will join Wan Hai Lines’ Korea-South East Asia Service to provide efficient delivery service for customers.