“K” Line Wind Service, Ltd. (KWS), a joint venture company between Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Ltd. (“K” LINE) and Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen Kaisha, Ltd., have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with PENTA-OCEAN CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. (POC), regarding future collaboration on vessel management etc., in the offshore wind construction and maintenance fields.

K Line signs MOU with Penta-Ocean Construction for collaboration on vessel management in the offshore wind construction and maintenance fields
Caption: Offshore Support Vessel “Kaiko"

In Japan, offshore wind power is expected to increase its supply capacity as a major source of renewable energy to commit to carbon neutrality by 2050. In this context, the entire country is witnessing a surge in momentum for offshore wind construction.

POC currently intends to own three offshore installation vessels in total:

(1)Japan's first offshore installation vessel equipped with a large crane, "CP-8001" (800t lifting capacity, operating since 2019),

(2)The offshore installation vessel “CP-16001”(1,600t lifting capacity, scheduled to start operations in March 2023), currently under joint construction with Kajima Corporation and Yorigami Maritime Construction Co., Ltd., and

Caption: Offshore Support Anchor Handling Vessel “Akatsuki”

(3)Another offshore installation vessel “Sea Challenger” (to be upgraded to 1,600t lifting capacity, scheduled to start operations in spring 2025), planned to be owned by Japan Offshore Marine Co., Ltd(hereinafter, JOM).

JOM is a joint venture company between POC and a Belgian-based company DEME Offshore Ltd.