Globus Maritime Limited (Globus), (NASDAQ: GLBS), a dry bulk shipping company, announced today that it has signed two contracts, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, for the construction and purchase of two fuel-efficient bulk carriers of about 64,000 DWT. 

Globus Maritime Limited Signs New Building Agreements for the Acquisition of Two Fuel-Efficient 64,000-DWT Motor Bulk Carriers

The vessels will be built at a reputable shipyard in Japan and are scheduled to be delivered during the second half of 2026. The total consideration for the construction of the vessel is approximately $75.5 million, including various extras. The Company intends to finance with a combination of debt and equity.

Athanasios Feidakis President and CEO of Globus commented:

“We are pleased to announce the ordering of our fourth and fifth Ultramax newbuildings from a reputable shipbuilder. We remain consistent in our commitment in renewing our fleet with modern and fuel-efficient vessels. Our efforts in enhancing shareholders value and growing our fleet continue to be firm.”