Indonesia is further enlarging its maritime impact by introducing 400 new maritime schools, governed by the state. The purpose is to increase the preparation and experience of its students whose desire is to manage the international fleet.
According to Maritime Affairs Minister Indroyono Soesilo, the government’s intention is to open again 400 maritime vocational schools to educate pupils for maritime sector jobs. Quoted by Antara news agency on Saturday he has mentioned that both the Coordinating Maritime Affairs Ministry and the Culture and Elementary and Secondary Education Ministry will return the stated number of schools in Indonesia back to life.
The plan of the government also includes efforts to aid students receive certificates that will make possible their integration in the international labor market and also their service on foreign ships. In addition he has elaborated that the students will obtain the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) certification and that will enable their realization in both local and international ships.
The education of the future workforce in the maritime sector has been more pressing than focusing on maritime facilities and seaports. However he has retaliated that the government will not give up its intentions to build 24 seaports in Indonesia with five deep seaports among them.