On August 1st, livestock carrier Nabolsi I caught fire off the coast of the Greek island of Crete, while the ship was on its way from Croatia to Alexandria, Egypt.
Image: Jacinto Cinto
Two rescue boats of the Hellenic Coast Guard were dispatched to the incident site, also one merchant ship and one NATO ship were engaged in containing the blaze on board the 1,405 dwt livestock carrier. However the Nabolsi’s crew managed to take control over the fire without any serious damage on the vessel and its cargo.
As reported by the Greek Marine Authority, the 1972-built ship is currently situated off Crete’s southern coast, near the town of Lerapetra.
There is no information for injured people and it is not known if the ship’s crew is still onboard the vessel. There is also an ongoing investigation finding what caused the fire onboard the ship. The vessel will be released after an inspection, which will determine the damage and if the ship is fit to continue sailing.
The Nabolsi I is a Panama-flag livestock carrier owned by SARAB SHIPPING SA and operated by RJA GROUP SA.