Which companies rank among the highest valued ones in the shipping sector? According to data from VesselsValue, the shipping and container giant that is A.P. Moller Maersk occupies the top position on the list with roughly USD 13 billion and a fleet of 262 vessels.

To put things in perspective, that is equivalent to having 17 B2 bombers or 21 Hawaiian Lanai Islands or four of Europe’s highest price football clubs – FC Bayern Munchen, Manchester United, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona.

Overall, Maersk Line, which operates along the lines of the Maersk Group, is responsible for managing 600 vessels and that includes those the company charters, and reported that its 2014 revenues were in the amount of USD 27.3 billion with profits being USD 2.3 billion.

The top five companies that rank as the highest value shipping ones are as follows:

1. Moller Maersk A/S with 262 vessels and USD 12,561,000
2. MOL with 215 vessels and USD 12,122,000
3. NYK with 245 vessels and USD 10,034,000
4. K Line with 180 vessels and USD 8,104,000
5. Teekay LNG Partners with 46 vessels and USD 7,098,000

The given valuations use as basis the number of vessels that are purely owned, not those that are chartered in, and are calculated on a day-to-day basis.

While A.P. Moller Maersk’s mark of USD 13 billion is actually quite impressive it fails to compete with some of the world’s highest cap companies – Apple, for example, which has a USD 740 billion valuation, or Google with its USD 478 billion mark. Even Netflix, has a USD 49 billion market cap with its movie and TV streaming services.