The Aberdeen Operations Control has reported about a fire onboard the offshore ship Fugro Symphony in the port of Peterhead.
The incident occurred on Thursday, September 17 at around 2:52 a.m. local time.
All 84 people aboard the vessel were evacuated. Thirty-five firefighters were dispatched at the incident site and fought to bring the fire under control, which took nearly two hours.
Image: Fossé-M
The Fugro Symphony crew was taken to Peterhead Fishermen’s mission but re-boarded the vessel after the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service put out the fire.
Firefighting appliances from fire stations of Peterhead, Ellon and Maud were mobilized.
Three firefighters wearing breathing apparatus along with a member of the ship’s firefighting team located the fire in supply generator room below deck.
The fire was extinguished by CO2 extinguishers and the ship’s internal firefighting mechanisms.
At around 5 a.m. local time, the fire-fighting teams left the incident site. The fire was contained in a small area of the ship.
All personnel returned to the vessel once it was confirmed safe to do so. A Fugro team went on board to investigate the cause of the incident.