Australia’s Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has imposed a ban on a general cargo ship sailing under Indonesia’s flag. The vessel may not enter or use any Australian port for a duration of three months.
The ship in question is the 3,554 DWT Noah Satu (constructed in 2004), which is property of PT Anugerah Samudra Indomakur. PT Adnyana is responsible for operating the vessel. The two companies are both Indonesia-based.
AMSA officials commented the ban was imposed in relation to failures with safety and emission regulations and vessel compliance standards.
The investigation of the vessel determined that it had incorrect navigational charts, as well as expired and non-properly maintained safety equipment and machinery without the necessary approval.
The operators of Noah Satu failed to be in accordance with mandatory reporting requirements when passing through the area of the Great Barrier Reef.
The inspections of the AMAS also discovered deficiencies regarding Noah Satu that included failure to undertake enclosed space entry drills, records of work and rest hours, inadequate food, oil and garbage management recording and inappropriate passage planning.
The officials found the shipboard safety management system to be inadequate to comply with the above-stated mandatory rules and to be non-sufficient for responding to emergency situations.
"Unsafe vessel operation inflicts a great risk to seafarers as well as the environment and AMSA takes very seriously any potential breaches of the international shipping standards,” commented Mick Kinley, AMSA Chief Executive Officer.
"Vessels that demonstrate non-compliance with Australia’s standards on a continuous basis are not welcome in its waters,” he further added.
The ship in question serves as the 5th vessel to receive a ban from Australia’s port under the regulations of the Navigation Act 2012 which became effective back in July of 2013.