Campbell Shipping Co. Ltd received delivery of a new 37,500 dead weight ton dry-bulk carrier, September 29, 2015.

Wife of the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Mrs. Bernadette Christie, sponsor of the new vessel, was invited to break a bottle of champagne and officially name the vessel at the Imabari Shipyard of Imabari, Japan.

Campbell Shipping takes delivery of new dry-bulk carrier CS Jenna

After the ceremony Mrs. Christie toured the vessel with Company officials and other special guests.

The new bulk carrier, C/S Jenna, was built by Imabari Shipyard. Campbell will manage both the technical and commercial operations for the new vessel.

The Company indicated that the new vessel is part of a long-term upgrading program and that the new vessel will provide numerous operating efficiencies compared to vessels currently within the fleet.

This brings the total number of dry bulk vessels managed by Campbell to 17 with three from the Imabari Shipyard. The CS Jenna is the first of two sister ships that are being constructed by Imabari Shipyard for Campbell Shipping.

The CS Jenna has five cargo holds and will have a crew compliment of 19.

Campbell Shipping is the ship management branch of the Campbell Group of Companies, originally founded and established by the legendary Scottish naval architect, George T. R. Campbell. The Company maintains its principal office in Nassau, The Bahamas, and operates a crewing office in Mumbai, India.
