Navy and Coast Guard personnel are searching for a U.S. sailor who went missing from an amphibious ship off the coast of North Carolina, Navy officials said Sunday (Apr 10).
The USS Carter Hall is shown here at sea. - Image: U.S. Navy
The sailor went missing about 4:20 p.m. LT Saturday from the USS Carter Hall, an amphibious dock landing ship. The vessel is taking part in training operations with the Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group in preparation for a future deployment.
The incident occurred near Cape Hatteras, northeast of Camp Lejeune, N.C. The water temperature in that region is about 72 degrees, according to information gathered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It can take nearly a day for hypothermia to set in at that temperature, according to a Coast Guard assessment.
The missing sailor is a female petty officer, the independent Navy Times reported Sunday, citing an internal service report it obtained. A pair of boots and a note were found near the back of the ship, the newspaper reported.
Source: WP