Clipper Steel Services introduced a shuttle express service from Alabama to Mexico in early 2014. The Steel Shuttle Express with its short 2-day transit quickly gained popularity and the cargo volumes have continuously increased. Since the inception of this route, a Clipper's vessel has been loaded with steel cargo in the Port of Mobile approximately every ten days.
Multipurpose vessel Clipper Marlene - Image courtesy of Clipper
To ensure a continued quick transit time, Clipper found that entering a smaller second vessel would be the best solution for its clients.
Clipper Marlene, a 17,500 dwt multipurpose carrier with three 60 mt cranes was chosen as the second vessel. The Company is now able to supplement the Steel Shuttle Express with additional capacity and offer broader services to the parcel sector and cargo requiring heavy lifting.
Clipper Marlene will be sailing on a regular schedule between Mobile (Alabama) and Tampico (Mexico). She is under the technical management of Clipper Fleet Management. Before commencing on the route, Clipper Marlene had a thorough technical inspection to identify any weak points that should be attended. The inspection was carried out by Clipper’s in-house Senior Technical Superintendent who also supervised the repairs during a few days’ port stay in Mobile. Clipper Marlene was delivered to Clipper Steel Services and commenced loading in the morning of February 16.
BUILT: 2001
DWT: 17,490
DRAFT: 9.7
LOA: 142.8
BEAM: 21.5
TYPE: Multipurpose/tween/container/heavy lift
HOLDS/HATCHES: 2 holds/2 hatches
TECHNICAL MANAGER: Clipper Fleet Management
Source: Clipper