APL Wednesday (March 15, 2017) announced the launch of the Japan Express (JPX) service – a new weekly Trans-Pacific service which directly connects Japan with the United States West Coast.
Container ship APL Changi - Image courtesy of Les Rickman
"We are excited to expand APL’s Japan-U.S. service network today with the new JPX service. With direct connectivity between Japan and the U.S., the JPX service will be synonymous with competitive transit time that is as fast as a 10-day transit from Sendai to Los Angeles. Together with APL’s comprehensive portfolio of Trans-Pacific services that is set to be enhanced under the OCEAN ALLIANCE this April, APL is delighted to offer our shippers with more compelling shipping options,” said Jesper Stenbak, APL Senior Vice President of Trans-Pacific Trade.
The new JPX service will call the ports of Kobe, Nagoya, Tokyo, Sendai, Los Angeles and Oakland. The first sailing will commence from Kobe on 5 April 2017.
Click for more information on the new JPX service.
Source: APL