Teekay announced on Thursday that the FPSO Pioneiro de Libra arrived on May 17 in Brazilian territorial waters. The FPSO unit set sail on March 28 from the Jurong shipyard in Singapore, where the conversion of the unit has been taking place since 2014.

Caption: FPSO Pioneiro de Libra in transit to Brazil - Image courtesy of Teekay

Since the christening of the FPSO, held in December of last year, the vessel has undergone commissioning and sea tests. During this period, more than 1,000 activities were carried out, including inclination and propulsion tests, in addition to other process systems. During the trip to Brazil, other tests were carried out and, upon arrival, the vessel will undergo approval processes by inspection bodies and Petrobras. Then the anchorage and connection of the risers will take place. The first oil is scheduled for July.

Caption: Naming Ceremony of the FPSO Pioneiro de Libra - Image courtesy of Teekay

FPSO Pioneiro de Libra will be the first to produce oil in the giant Libra Block which covers more than 1,500 square kilometers in the Santos Basin and has estimated reserves of 8-12 billion barrels of recoverable oil. The unit can operate at water depths of up to 2,400 meters, with a production capacity of 50,000 barrels of oil per day and daily compression capacity of four million cubic meters of gas.

Caption: Topside of Libra PFSO - Image courtesy of Teekay

More than four thousand people were involved in the project over the last two years, including more than 19 million man-hours of shipyard activities, without a single lost-time injury.

Caption: Weekly safety briefing before the departure of the unit - Image courtesy of Teekay

Related news: FPSO Pioneiro de Libra Named

Source: Teekay