EU NAVFOR can confirm that oil tanker, MT NAVIG8 Providence, came under attack by suspected armed pirates on Thursday (Jun1, 2017) in the Gulf of Oman.

MT NAVIG8 Providence was at sea 100 nautical miles east of Muscat when she was approached by six armed men in a skiff.  It is understood that as the skiff moved towards the tanker, there was an exchange of small arms fire between the suspected pirates and the maritime security team on board the tanker.

EU NAVFOR Confirms Attack by Suspected Pirates on Oil Tanker in Gulf of Oman – Vessel Now Safe

In an email to EU NAVFOR, the master of the MT NAVIG8 Providence stated that his ship’s protection team saw a ladder in the skiff.

After carrying out defensive manoeuvres in accordance with the Shipping Industry recognised Best Management Practices (BMP4), together with the armed response from MT NAVIG8 Providence’s protection team, the suspected pirates broke off their attack and the vessel and crew are now safe.

Counter-piracy naval forces are coordinating a response to search for the skiff.