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Tagged in route

Oboronlogistics’ largest containership Sparta III completed the delivery of cargo via the Northern sea route

Ship Sparta III, the largest container ship in the fleet of Oboronlogistics, made the delivery of project cargo from China to Europe via the Northern sea route.The experience of operating the Sparta III on the Northern sea route showed that the …
Sep 25, 2019 / Vessels

Nuclear-powered container carrier Sevmorput to use North Sea Route for fish delivery

The Sevmorput, nuclear-powered LASH carrier / container carrier has moored at the Seroglazka terminal (Norebo holding, Kamchatka Territory). According to the press center of the regional government, the ship will deliver fish caught by Kamchatka …
Aug 26, 2019 / Curious

LNG Carrier Vladimir Rusanov Opens the Northern Sea Route 2019 Navigation Period

PAO NOVATEK (NOVATEK) announced today that the Arc7 ice-class LNG tanker Vladimir Rusanov completed the Northern Sea Route (NSR) passage via the Eastern direction, and delivered a cargo of LNG produced by the Company’s Yamal LNG project from the port …
Jul 25, 2019 / Vessels

DP World to operate ports along Russia’s Northern Sea Route

DP World to run ports that Russia plans to build along the northern sea route in the Arctic to shorten shipping times between the east and west.The Russian Direct Investment Fund - being an investment fund of the Russian Federation, investing …
Jun 10, 2019 / Curious

Third ROSATOM LK-60Ya-class ship launched at Baltic Shipyard

With the ceremonial launch of the nuclear-powered Arctic ice breaker ‘Ural’ Saturday (May 25), Russia’s nuclear energy giant, ROSATOM, has completed another step towards ensuring all-year round navigability of the Northern Sea Route (NSR).The 173 …
May 27, 2019 / Vessels

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin signed a law on ROSATOM’s powers in Northern Sea Route development

President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed a law defining powers of ROSATOM in development and functioning of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and adjacent territories. The document is published on the official website of legal information.The document …
Jan 4, 2019 / Vessels